Our approach
We invest globally in a concentrated, high-conviction portfolio of public companies. We regard the integration of sustainability analysis into every investment decision we make as key to long-term performance. Our sustainability lens gives us a more comprehensive view of the companies in which we invest.
Our long-term horizon gives us the patience to find businesses with high-quality management teams and sustainable business strategies.
We are also focused on paying the appropriate price for every investment and demand a significant margin of safety in every case.
Our investment process
We undertake in-depth research to apply our investment strategy. We construct portfolios of sustainable companies with the confidence derived from deep research and analysis.
A sustainable company is:
One whose current earnings do not borrow from its future earnings
One whose sustainability practices drive performance and competitive positioning
One that provides goods and services consistent with a net zero, prosperous, equitable, healthy and safe society and
One that focuses its external communication on long-term issues

Building our portfolio
We focus on two aspects of quality: attractiveness and robustness of a company’s business model (Business Quality) and how well a company is managed and governed (Management Quality).
These criteria are used to select a Focus List of companies, from which our concentrated portfolio is constructed. As high-conviction investors, we concentrate our focus on a select group of companies, follow them closely and understand the detailed nuances of their businesses.
Our team
Rigorous and open debate provides the foundation for our consensus-driven decision-making process, further differentiating our thinking.